School Closed Circuit TV - how does it work and why?

Part of educating children is teaching them the valuable lesson of "ACCOUNTABILITY"

A proper School Specific Closed Circuit TV system is designed as an UNBIASED archive of events that have taken place. They are not used as a "Big Brother" watching everyones move - they are only used for incident management.

Well how does that work?

Closed Circuit TV Cameras are placed and fitted around a school. When we do a comprehensive system design, we would install cameras with a microphone in all of the classrooms and suitable cameras in the "hotspots" - areas like lockers, passage ways, tuckshops, reception areas, entrances, parking areas and smokers corners.

The cameras record footage directly to a server, where it is automatically archived.

When there is an event -(A flash drive been stolen from a teachers computer, a stolen cell phone or even an altercation in a classroom) it's as simple a a visit to the server room and a review of those cameras to established what happened and if necessary put some evidence clips together for the discipline officer.

The discipline officer would then call the student or students involved into her/his office and show them the clips. Most of the time a student will acknowledge and take ownership or the behaviour or action (ACCOUNTABILITY) and suitable discipline will be initiated. If the incident is very serious, then it could go to a discipline hearing.
A discipline hearing is a serious affair and could result in expulsion - A student can have their parents and a lawyer present.

The bottomline
A comprehensive School Closed Circuit TV System is designed to be a Management Tool which creates an unbiased accountable platform. A Closed Circuit TV system is not a miracle that will stop "behaviour problems" but it will add credibility and be a fantastic tool to help with problem areas.

IF you are a School in South Africa and you are considering a Closed Circuit TV system, please feel free to contact us for invaluable advise and assistance in school specific CCTV.

Contact Details and School References are available in the right panel. Further down there is an independent report from Hudson Park High school on the success of there CCTV system.

About BOSS Closed Circuit TV - School Closed Circuit TV

BOSS CCTV is not a conventional Security company. We are specialised in the school market, providing an excellent quality turnkey closed circuit TV solution. Over the past few years, we have gained extensive experience not only in School Closed Circuit TV, but an understanding of the challenges schools are facing. The BOSS solution takes School CCTV beyond an accountable platform and makes it an invaluable management tool.

The BOSS CCTV system design, including cabling, cameras, audio, archiving and installation has been fine-tuned, making the offering a perfect school specific solution. Furthermore, we don’t only supply a superior technical solution but also provide invaluable consultation into the successful implementation and operation of such a system in the school environment. This includes using it to improve teaching standards. (See post on Classroom cameras & lesson study.)

BOSS is innovative and stands by their philosophy of constant improvement.
See school references in the right hand panel.

Need more info, you can contact us at


There are so many wonderful additional opportunities with CCTV.

One with great potential, especially in a country like South Africa, is the opportunity to to share high quality teachers with schools that don't have suitable teachers. We have major disparities in education in SA and a shocking failure rate. With a combination of Closed circuit TV in a classroom, one would be able to broadcast this lesson to any other classroom anywhere in the world. This kind of instruction is best if it is interactive and there is a competent facilitator available at the receiving classroom. The receiving classroom needs to have a broadband connected computer and projector, as well as VOIP like SKYPE setup. Its all very possible and the cost can be very reasonable.

New technology means you can setup wireless networks up to a maximum of 15km radius, depending on locations. Schools that have "champion" teachers, can seriously look at this as a community development option to help disadvantaged schools.